Open Doors Program

General Information

Open Doors is a collaboration between BEdA and local high schools to offer students aged 16-21 another option to reengage with school and complete their high school diploma and/or GED. The student must meet eligibility criteria to enroll. Students may also receive college level credits, career focused certificates and transition to college while earning a high school diploma. For more information contact your high school counselor or the BEdA office at 509.793.2304 or by email at


OPD 010: Reading/Writing/Communication (HS English 1)

Reading/Writing/Communication (English 1) focuses on reading, writing, and language through the study of history, past and present, including conventions of traditional grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure. Speaking, listening, and study skills are reinforced through note taking, class discussion, and individual/group presentations and writing assignments. High school completion credit only. Students can earn 0.25-2.0 Freshman/Sophomore high school credits. This course may be repeated.

OPD 011: Reading/Writing/Communication (HS English 2)

Reading/Writing/Communication (HS English 2) focuses on reading, writing, and language through the study of history, past and present, including conventions of traditional grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure. Speaking, listening, and study skills are reinforced through note taking, class discussion, and individual/group presentations and writing assignments. High school completion credit only.  Students can earn 0.25-2.0 Junior/Senior high school credits.  This course may be repeated. 

OPD 020: General Lab-Science

This lab course provides basic instruction and lab exposure related to physical, life and earth science content. High school completion credit only. Open Doors students can earn 0.25-2.0 high school credits. This course may be repeated.

OPD 021: General Non-Lab Science

This general non-lab science survey course provides basic instruction in physical, life and earth science, necessary for high school graduation. High school completion only. Students may earn 0.25-1 HS credit. This course may be repeated.

OPD 030: United States Constitution and Government

United States Constitution and Government traces the nation's history from the pre-colonial period to the present. Students learn about the Native American, European, and African people who lived in America before it became the United States. They examine the beliefs and philosophies that informed the American Revolution and the subsequent formation of the government and political system. Students investigate the economic, cultural, and social motives for the nation's expansion, as well as the conflicting notions of liberty that eventually resulted in civil war. High school completion credit only. Students may earn 0.25-1.0 HS credits. This course may be repeated.

OPD 031: Washington State Government and History

Washington State Government and History examines Washington history from native and European contact to the present. The study of Washington state includes an examination of the state constitution, key treaties, and tribal sovereignty issues, including the study of migration, differing cultural experiences, and human interactions with the environment. High school completion credit only. Students may earn 0.25-0.50 HS credit This course may be repeated.

OPD 032: Contemporary World Events

Contemporary World Events examines modern world history and geography to identify global themes rooted in environmental issues, economic development, human rights, and civic action and responsibility. High school completion only. Open Doors students may earn 0.25-1 HS CWP or World History credit. This course may be repeated.

OPD 033: Civics

This civic course is to provide students with a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and government. The content will develop students' knowledge to help shape their civic character and civic responsibility.

OPD 035: Fine Arts

This course will contextualize artistic study throughout other high school content areas including language, science, history, and elective credits or may be offered as a standalone class. Artistic expression and study may range from visual design, creative writing, textile, and natural product, performing arts or digital design as necessary for high school graduation. Independent study may be approved by instructor to include classes, specialized training or hobbies demonstrating artistic aptitude. High school completion credit only. Open Doors students can earn 0.25-2.0 high school credits. This course may be repeated.

OPD 045: Elective and Personal Pathway (PPR)

The elective course is designed to enable students to further explore and develop special interest skills through independent study. Students may focus on personal, educational, or career pathways aligned with their Personal Pathway (PPR) and/or Elective credit goals. High school completion credit only. Students can earn 0.25-2.0 high school credits. This course may be repeated.

OPD 095: Open Doors Orientation Course

The main goal of this course is to assist students as they enter any BEdA program (high school completion or English language acquisition) by giving them the tools they will need to succeed while enrolled in BEdA.