Standards of Progress

Each student must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or above to remain in good standing. A student earning a cumulative GPA below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation or suspension, depending on the criteria listed below. A student will be considered in good academic standing when their cumulative grade point average is raised to 2.00 or above. .

Academic Probation

A student with a cumulative grade point average below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation must work with their advisor to develop a plan for making measurable and substantial progress towards repairing their cumulative GPA prior to registering for future quarters..

Academic Suspension - 1 quarter Suspension

A probationary student will be placed on a 1 quarter academic suspension when the student’s number of cumulative graded credits at BBCC is greater than 23 credits, their cumulative grade point average is below 2.00, and their quarterly grade point average is below 2.00. A student in this category will be suspended from enrolling in classes for one quarter. (If suspended at the end of spring quarter, the student may not attend summer or fall quarters.) A student who has preregistered for the following quarter will be withdrawn from classes and a refund will be processed for any tuition and fees paid for that quarter. A student returning after a 1 quarter suspension is required to meet with their assigned advisor prior to registering for future quarters and must earn a 2.00 quarterly grade point average at the end of every quarter until their cumulative grade point average is above 2.00.

APPEALSA student may appeal the 1 quarter suspension and request immediate reinstatement. The student must provide proof of extenuating circumstances and a plan for making measurable and substantial progress toward improving their cumulative GPA. A letter of appeal must be submitted to the Vice President of Learning & Student Success by the stated deadline, which will then be presented to the Academic Council. The Academic Council consists of the following: Vice President of Learning & Student Success, one staff member from Student Services, two faculty members, two student representatives, and the Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Learning & Student Success (recorder). The student will meet with the Academic Council to discuss the appeal. The Academic Council may grant the appeal, may allow the student to continue under certain conditions, or may deny the appeal. The decision of the Academic Council is final.

Academic Dismissal - 1 year Suspension

A student who fails to meet minimum standards and is subject to suspension a second time will be placed on a 1 year academic suspension. A 1 year academic suspension results in suspension from enrollment in college credit-bearing classes for one calendar year. A student who has preregistered for the following quarter will be withdrawn from classes and a refund will be processed for any tuition and fees paid for that quarter. A student returning after a 1 year suspension is required to meet with their assigned advisor prior to registering for future quarters and must earn a 2.00 quarterly grade point average at the end of every quarter until their cumulative grade point average is above 2.00. There is no appeal for a 1 year academic suspension.