BUS 215 : Customer Service

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 33
This course will provide the student with strategies and skills to effectively meet the needs of customers. The student will be introduced to internal and external customers, to customer satisfaction, to customer retention, and to customer service trends.


Basic computer skills strongly recommended.
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Define customer service
  2. Identify the factors related to the service culture
  3. Describe a customer-focused environment and customer-focused behavior
  4. Explain strategies for promoting a positive service culture
  5. Describe the impact of verbal and nonverbal communication in a service culture
  6. Identify listening strategies as they pertain to customer service situations
  7. Describe behavioral styles and their role in customer service
  8. Identify strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and increase retention
  9. Identify service challenges of the future in a diverse environment
  10. Explain strategies for maintaining and building customer loyalty
Institutional Outcomes
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, professionalism, and/or workplace specific skills.
Course Content Outline
  1. Customer Service Profession
  2. Service Culture
  3. Communication Skills
  4. Listening Skills
  5. Customer Service & Behavior
  6. Service Breakdowns & Service Recovery
  7. Diversity in Customer Service
  8. Technology in Customer Service
  9. Customer Loyalty
Department Guidelines
The syllabus must contain evaluation/grading guidelines, class environment/expectations/rules, course learning outcomes, and a disability services statement. A schedule must be provided to students that contains content covered (text chapters, topics, etc.), tentative test dates (to include final date/time). If an LMS or similar site is used for the course, it must be created following the Quality Matters (QM) principals outlined in the QM workbook questions. These documents should be reviewed with the BIM instructor at least two weeks prior to class start.