MGMT 380: Human Resource Management

Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
This course examines the major trends in human resources development and management. Students will examine the role of the human resource department as well as the development of a skilled and diverse workforce by applying effective strategies for recruiting, selecting, and retaining personnel. Using interactive exercises, case studies and group discussions, you will explore the intersection between the legal, ethical and practical implications of managing human resources within the dynamic shifts occurring in our economic realities, demographics, community expectations and social change.


Acceptance into the Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management program
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  • Critically assess scenarios and apply appropriate trends, laws, ethics, and core practices that shape Human Resource Management
  • Differentiate between effective and ineffective human resource policies and practices.
  • Assess risk and identify best practices considering the legal, ethical, and strategic issues in primary HR functions.
  • Develop and present a core philosophy regarding the role human resource management plays in the success of an organization.
Institutional Outcomes
IO3: Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Demonstrate effective leadership, critical thinking, teamwork, and technical and information literacy competencies needed to make business-critical decisions to resolve interpersonal and organizational challenges that most often occur in the modern workplace.
Course Content Outline
  1. Module One – Introduction to Human Resource Management (HRM)
    • Definitions and functions
    • Trends and drivers in human resource practices
    • Ethical and legal issues in human resource management
    • Competencies and skills required of human resource professionals
  2. Module Two – Key Human Resource Practices and Related Policy Requirements
    • Workforce planning and alignment
    • Practices, policies, legal issues, roles, and methods used to plan, recruit, and select employees
    • Training and development programs
  3. Module Three- Performance Management and Retention Strategies
    • Performance management practices and systems
    • Strategies, methods, and outcomes of effective employee retention efforts
    • Influences on employee performance outcomes
    • Factors associated with separating employees from an organization
  4. Module Four – Compensation and Total Rewards Strategies
    • Total compensation program versus a total rewards strategy
    • Mandatory (legally required) compensation and benefits programs
    • Best practices in total rewards programs
  5. Module Five - Strategic versus Tactical Human Resource Management Practices
    • Leadership and cultural frameworks that drive human resource decisions.
    • Elements of a business case for human resource programming
Department Guidelines

The class syllabus must contain all elements as described in the Syllabus Checklist. A class schedule must be provided to students that contains content covered (text chapters, topics, etc.) and tentative test dates (to include final date/time).

BAS-AM Writing Standard:

Students will design documents and present information according to industry standards and/or the APA style guide, honor academic honesty as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, and model integrity as expressed in the College’s Guiding Principles.

Assessment needed for:

PO4: Apply and analyze multicultural strategies to facilitate respectful and equitable inclusion of diverse individuals and perspectives to achieve organizational goals.