AUT 105: Automotive Personal Computer Applications

Class Program
Credits 2 Lecture Hours 11 Lab Hours 22
An introductory course covering the operation of personal computers using automotive applications. Hardware components, Windows Operating System, word processing, spreadsheets, and student created presentations will be covered emphasizing “hands-on” experience.
Prerequisite or Corequisite
Concurrent enrollment in automotive program classes.
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Describe the operation and purpose of hardware components of a personal computer system
  2. Manage basic computer operations using Windows Operating Systems
  3. Use Microsoft Outlook for email communication, calendaring, and document transfer
  4. Perform basic word processing operations using the current Microsoft Word Processing program
  5. Use PowerPoint to build a basic presentation
  6. Use Excel to create simple spreadsheets including formulae
  7. Perform Internet operations including the use of web browser products, using search engines, on-line downloading of information or software, and email operations.
Course Content Outline
  1. Computer Hardware—Description and Operation
    1. CPU
    2. Monitors
    3. Keyboards
    4. ROM BIOS
    5. RAM
    6. Mass Storage Devices
    7. Modems
    8. Video Upgrades
    9. Printers
  2. Windows Operating System
    1. Function of the Operating System
    2. The Windows Desktop
    3. Using the mouse
    4. Open, move, resize, minimize, maximize and close windows
    5. Managing files, folders and disks
    6. Changing settings using Control Panel
  3. Basic communication skills using Outlook
    1. Simple text transfer communication
    2. Receive and send attachments including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF
    3. Receive and accept calendared information
  4. Basic Word Processing using current Microsoft Word Processing program.
    1. Creating, entering, and editing a document
    2. Opening, closing, saving and printing a document
    3. Format text, paragraphs, and pages using toolbar options
    4. Using spell check, thesaurus, and word count tools
  5. Internet Basics
    1. Understanding the Internet
    2. Internet Terms and vocabulary
    3. Selecting an Internet Provider
    4. Using Web Browsers
    5. Performing Web Searches
    6. Downloading upgrades and plug-ins from the Web
  6. PowerPoint
    1. Create a presentation
    2. Use of animations
    3. Add picture and text
    4. Use of backgrounds
  7. Excel
    1. Develop a spreadsheet
    2. Add interactive formulas to cells
    3. Complete a business assignment