WKED 103 : Professional Preparation - Occupation Specific III

Class Program
Credits 1 Lecture Hours 7 Lab Hours 11
Continued contact with peers, advisors, mentors, employers, and others directly related to the industry. This course covers job preparation components in which emphasis is given to job search and interviewing techniques. The mock interview is a required element of this course.


WKED 102 or instructor permission
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Practice for and navigate a mock interview in preparation for job interviews
  2. Concisely describe career goals to peers, potential employers, mentors, advisors, other people and groups related to education and occupation
  3. Explain the importance of interviewing techniques and presence
  4. Refine job search portfolio and application packet and focus toward a specific job
  5. Explain and categorize the basic systems, infrastructure, operations, environment associated with chosen industry
  6. Explain the basic steps and stakeholders of a project plan
Institutional Outcomes
IO1 Communication: Communicate effectively and respectfully using verbal, written, and computer skills
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills
Course Content Outline
  1. Advising for academic program and job search
  2. Create a job search portfolio with properly designed documents (skills inventory, application, resume, 30-60 second commercial, letters of recommendation)
  3. Continued exploration of specified industry through video, lecture, reading, guest speakers, job shadows, and/or lab work
  4. Practice interviewing in and out of class, on and off video
  5. Importance of professionalism, communication, and collaboration
  6. Participate in mock interviews
  7. Explain personal impact (pros and cons) of individual personality and diversity to the interview process
  8. Practice for and attempt related industry certifications where applicable
Department Guidelines
The cost of books and materials should be held to the minimum cost for the maximum student benefit. Mock Interviews are required in order to pass this course.