IST 221: Electronics and Control Circuits

Credits 5 Lecture Hours 22 Lab Hours 66

This course builds on the foundational knowledge gained in the Introduction to Electricity class (MPT 104) and Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurement (IST 170). It delves deeper into the principles of electronics, focusing on advanced circuit analysis, semiconductor devices, and digital electronics through instruction and hands-on lab activities.


Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Demonstrate electrical safety practices required for electronics troubleshooting.
  2. Evaluate electronic circuits for proper operation using oscilloscopes, and digital meters.
  3. Explain basic principles of operation for solid state circuitry.
  4. Explore & explain operation of circuits used in today’s industrial processes.
  5. Describe basic concepts of Control Theory
Course Content Outline
  • Review of Basic Electronics
    • Review of DC and AC circuits
    • Introduction to complex impedance and phasor diagrams
    • Hands-on Lab: Analyzing DC and AC circuits
  • Introduction to Semiconductor Devices
    • Diodes: operation, characteristics, and applications
    • Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs): operation, characteristics, and applications
    • Field-Effect Transistors (FETs): operation, characteristics, and applications
  • Amplifiers and Oscillators
    • Amplifier configurations: common-emitter, common-base, common-collector
    • Oscillators: feedback, resonance, and types of oscillators
    • Hands-on Lab: Building and testing amplifiers and oscillators
  • Power Electronics
    • Power devices: thyristors, triacs, and power transistors
    • Power converters: rectifiers, inverters, and choppers
    • Switching power supplies
    • Hands-on Labs: Power conversion and control
  • Introduction to Digital Electronics
    • Overview of Control theory
    • Logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR
    • Boolean algebra and logic simplification
    • Combinational logic circuits
    • Hands-on Lab: Making logic gates from transistors
  • Sequential Logic Circuits
    • Flip-flops: SR, D, JK, T
    • Counters and shift registers
    • State machines
    • Hands-on Lab: Sequential Logic Circuits
  • Digital Systems
    • Encoders, decoders, multiplexers, de-multiplexers
    • Arithmetic circuits: adders, subtractors, multipliers
    • Memory devices: RAM, ROM, flash memory
  • Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems
    • Introduction to microcontrollers
    • Programming microcontrollers and GPIO
    • Applications of embedded systems
    • Hands-on Lab: Microcontrollers
  • Communication Systems
    • Modulation techniques: AM, FM, PM
    • Digital communication: ASK, FSK, PSK
    • Introduction to wireless communication
    • Hands-on Lab: Wireless communication
  • Course Review & Project
    • Review of key concepts from the course
    • Final project: Students design and implement a digital or analog electronic system


Department Guidelines

PO4​ Conduct measurements, analyze and interpret data, and propose methods for resolving problems

All subject matter in the course outline will be taught to the depth of learning necessary to ensure students are prepared for the next class in the sequence/program.

The learning outcomes and content outline on this MCO must be reviewed for updates at least every three years.