HED 239: Medical Ethics

Class Program
Credits 2 Lecture Hours 22
This course introduces ethical and legal issues facing medical professionals.
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Identify legal and medical terms associated with medical law, ethics, and bioethics.
  2. Compare and identify laws pertinent to the medical setting.
  3. Outline various ethical codes and their current impact on society.
  4. Examine and identify major ethical issues in modern medicine.
  5. Analyze an ethical conflict utilizing effective ethical decision-making processes.
  6. Compare and contrast contracts encountered in the medical setting.
  7. Differentiate between negligence and malpractice.
  8. Compare and contrast the concepts of privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication.
  9. Discuss HIPAA compliant verbal and written communication inside and outside the medical setting.
  10. Describe the safeguards for the medical record.
Institutional Outcomes
IO1 Communication: Students will be able to demonstrate clear, effective communications with patients and members of the healthcare team in a variety of structured settings.
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will demonstrate professional attitude and behavior when caring for patients and collaborating with other health care professionals at all times.
Course Content Outline
  1. Laws relating to the medical setting
    1. Formal contracts
    2. Informal Contracts
    3. Special circumstances affecting medical care and communication
  2. Business models of medical practice
    1. Organizations involved in various models
    2. Ethical issues related to various models
  3. HIPAA
    1. Definition and purposes
    2. Compliance
    3. Consequences
    4. Special circumstances
  4. Bioethics
    1. Beginning of life issues
    2. End of life issues
    3. Reproductive issues
    4. Special rights (i.e. children, psychiatric care)
  5. The Lifecycle of a Medical Lawsuit
    1. Factors which increase or reduce the possibility of legal action
    2. How to be effective and safe after a lawsuit is filed.
Department Guidelines

Exams (midterm and Final) 50%; Weekly Quizzes 25%; ;Assignments 15%; Class participation 10%
PO5 should be assessed.