FAD 150: Industrial First Aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Plus Bloodborne Pathogens

Class Program
Credits 2 Lecture Hours 20 Lab Hours 4

An advanced industrial first aid course and bloodborne pathogen course designed to meet the Department of Labor and Industry, OSHA and WISHA requirements. Intended for supervisory personnel, employees, pre-nursing, Pre-Emergency Medical Technicians, and those interested in having first aid and C.P.R. training. This course is recognized in the U.S. and several foreign countries by federal and state agencies and company employers.

Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Describe how to recognize and provide first aid treatment for sudden cardiac arrest.
  2. Explain the priority of personal safety when responding to an emergency situation.
  3. Explain the importance of Universal Precautions and using protective barriers.
  4. Identify how to activate emergency medical services (EMS) or an occupational emergency action plan.
  5. Explain how to perform effective chest compressions.
  6. Describe how to perform effective rescue breaths using a CPR mask or shield.
  7. Describe the steps of a primary assessment for an unresponsive person.
  8. Explain how to protect the airway of an unresponsive, breathing victim.
  9. Describe the steps of performing CPR as a single provider.
  10. Describe the steps for safely and correctly attaching and operating an automated external defibrillator (AED).
  11. Describe how to recognize and provide first aid treatment for choking.
  12. Describe the steps of a primary assessment for a responsive victim.
  13. Describe, recognition and treatment for severe bleeding, shock, a head, neck, or back injury, a swollen, painful, deformed limb, a burn, a person with an altered mental status, stroke.
  14. Describe, recognition and treatment for breathing difficulty or shortness of breath, asthma, a severe allergic reaction, pain, severe pressure, or discomfort in the chest, poisoning, heat- and cold-related emergencies.
  15. Describe how and when to perform an emergency move.
Institutional Outcomes

IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills.

Course Content Outline
  1. Assessment
  2. Shock
  3. Bleeding
  4. Specific body area injuries
  5. Poisoning
  6. Burns
  7. Cold & heat related injuries
  8. Bites and stings
  9. Bone, joint & muscle injuries
  10. Medical emergencies
  11. Choking
  12. C.P.R. (adult, child & infant)
  13. Use of an AED (adult, child & infant)
  14. Breathing/airway complications
  15. Trauma
  16. Drug related emergencies
  17. Blood borne pathogens
Department Guidelines

May be taken for a grade or on a Pass/Fail basis. A 70% is needed to pass but a 75% is needed to certify.