IST 295: Work Based Learning

Credits 1 6 Clinical Hours 33 198
A supervised work experience in industrial systems enhancing the application of classroom instruction and skills and/or area of specialization approved by the program advisor. May be repeated up to twelve (12) credits.


Instructor permission


Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. The student will have acquired employment and technical contacts outside of the classroom.
  2. Will prepare the student to be employable as an entry-level Industrial Technician.
Course Content Outline
  1. Students are expected to keep a day-to-day journal of their experiences, duties, thoughts objectives, new information, and generally anything of interest to their advisor or classmates.
  2. Students will be evaluated by their work experience supervisor.
  3. Students will evaluate their work experience and employer every three (3) weeks.
  4. Students will evaluate themselves.
  5. Other assignments may be given at the discretion of their work experience advisor.