Grading Symbols

BBCC instructors report grades using a numerical grading system from 4.0 to 0.7 in .1 increments and also the grade 0.0. The number 0.0 is assigned for failing work for which no credit hours are earned. Letter grade equivalents are approximated by the following distribution:

4.0 - 3.8 A Excellent
3.7 - 3.5 A-
3.4 - 3.2 B+
3.1 - 2.9 B Very Good
2.8 - 2.5 B-
2.4 - 2.2 C+
2.1 - 1.9 C Average
1.8 - 1.5 C-
1.4 - 1.2 D+
1.1 - 0.9 D Below Average
0.8 - 0.7 D-
0.0 F Failing
(0.7 lowest passing grade)

Grade Point/Grade Point Average Calculations:

Earned grade points equal the product of the number of credits for a course and the grade given. For example: 5 (credits) X 2.7 (grade in course) = 13.5 grade points.

The grade point average (GPA) for a number of courses equals the total of grade points earned in those courses divided by the sum of the credit hours for those courses. For example, a student is enrolled in courses X, Y, and Z that are 5, 4, and 3 credit hours respectively during one quarter. The student receives a 3.1 grade in course X, a 1.5 grade in course Y, and a 2.3 in course Z.

The Total Grade Points Equals:

Course X 5 X 3.1 = 15.5
Course Y 4 X 1.5 = 6.0
Course Z 3 X 2.3 = 6.9
28.4 Total Grade Points for Quarter
Total credits attempted = 5+4+3 = 12 for quarter
Grade Point Average for quarter = 28.4/12 = 2.37

The cumulative GPA over multiple quarters is calculated in the same way using all courses in which a numerical grade has been given.

“I” Grade

The “I” (incomplete) grade is used to indicate a grade has been deferred. The instructor can choose to award an “I” grade to students making satisfactory progress who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to complete their work on time. The instructor must submit on the “Incomplete Requirements” form, a written explanation of work to be completed with any grade turned in as an “I”. REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETE: Once a student has completed the necessary requirements for a decimal grade, the instructor will notify the Admissions/Registration Office of the grade earned by the student. The incomplete is then removed from the student’s record and the new grade is substituted. An incomplete “I” grade will revert to a failing “0.0” grade if the change of grade request is not submitted to the Admissions/Registration Office by the following dates

I” grade received: Requirements must be completed by:
Summer Quarter November 1
Fall Quarter February 20
Winter Quarter May 20
Spring Quarter November 1

“W” Grade

A student may withdraw from classes up to two weeks prior to the last day of instruction for each quarter. The last date to withdraw from class is posted in the Academic Calendar. Students who stop attending classes but do not officially withdraw from classes may receive a failing (0.0) grade. Students withdrawing from classes within the time permitted will receive a “W” grade.

“N” Grade

The “N” grade is given in courses in which a student has enrolled as an “auditor.” (See “Auditing a Course”).

Pass-Fail Grading Option

A maximum of 15 credits completed with a pass “P” grade may be applied toward a BBCC degree. The “P” grade is not included in the grade point average calculation. A failing (0.0) grade earned in a class graded using the pass/fail option is included in the GPA calculation. A “P” grade in a math or science class indicates a grade of 2.0 or above was earned.

Students enrolling in a course on a pass/fail basis should indicate this at the time of registration. Students are advised to speak with the instructor before enrolling in a class on a pass/fail basis. After the 10th day of the quarter, the instructor and the student’s advisor must approve changing an enrolled course to pass/fail grading. Students may not change a course to pass/fail option after the last day to withdraw.

Students intending to transfer to universities should not use the pass/fail option for courses in their intended major. Courses being used for the Associate in Science degree or as basic or breadth requirements in the Associate in Arts and Science (DTA) degree may not be taken pass/fail.

Time Limitation to Change a Grade

A student who believes that an error has been made in the grade received for a course should contact the instructor as soon as possible to discuss the issue. Instructors may authorize a grade change within one quarter from the date the grade was issued. Summer quarter is excluded (i.e. spring quarter and summer quarter grade changes must be made by the end of fall quarter).