ECED 122: Science and Math for Young Children

Specified Elective
Credits 4 Lecture Hours 44

This course provides a study of the cognitive and motor development of young children as it applies to math and science conceptual development. Students will learn to research, create and plan assessment of math and science pedagogy, and develop curriculum and materials for the early childhood learning environment.

Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

1. Identify and articulate rationale for appropriate content areas in math and science based on child development theories and current brain research.

 2. Describe and construct developmentally appropriate outcomes for math and science curriculum in early childhood settings.

 3. Design math and science lessons to create meaningful learning opportunities that increase children’s conceptual understandings and vocabulary.

4. Identify and utilize resources that are based on current research to create lessons and activities for young children in the areas of science and math.

Institutional Outcomes

IO1   Communication: Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively within a workplace context

Course Content Outline
  1. Research and discuss theories, methods, materials and pedagogy
    1. Evaluate for effectiveness
    2. Evaluate based on current brain research models
    3. Develop personal philosophy and pedagogy preferences
  2. Analyze and evaluate materials and curriculum currently on the market for the following criteria
    1. Developmentally appropriate
    2. Inclusive and anti-bias
    3. Follows best practices based on current research
  3. Create outcomes for various ages and stages of development
  4. Create and deliver lessons that focus on concept development and vocabulary acquisition for children in the early childhood environments
    1. Montessori
    2. Outdoor preschool
    3. Constructivist approaches
    4. Play based learning
Department Guidelines
  • Course will be best taught as face to face or hybrid with a minimum of two hours in person
  • In the event course must be taught online a materials kit for each student will need to be made available for purchase or checkout