Criminal Justice


Criminal Justice involves the scientific study of crime. This program is designed to broaden students’ awareness of how our society deals with criminals using law enforcement, the courts, and correctional institutions. This area of study is intended for individuals already working within, or want to work within, the criminal justice system or those who will eventually transfer to
four-year college or university.

The world of Criminal Justice is growing in popularity based on scientific advances and the interest that current media has generated. We now understand more about the benefits of science in solving crimes and how certain techniques used in the Criminal Justice System impact its outcomes. If you want to learn more about law enforcement, the courts, or the corrections
system, please contact me.

I can give you information about job possibilities in the field. No longer does a criminal justice degree mean that you are becoming only a law enforcement officer. You can now become a forensic scientist, legal psychologist, corrections officer, lawyer, and much, much, more. I would love to chat with you if you are interested in anything related to the justice system and reducing

We have two-degree options that can be tailored to your specific career and academic goals. One degree option will prepare you to go straight into work and the other will prepare you to transfer to a university. Contact me using the information on this page so we can find the program and courses that are right for you. As your advisor, I will sit with you every quarter and help you plan
your courses. We will take into account your specific career goals, your current time or financial constraints, and your enthusiasm for particular topics. Email is the best way to reach me; contact me today!

Degrees and Certificates


CJ& 101: Intro Criminal Justice

Credits 5
This course provides an overview of the criminal justice system discussing law enforcement, the courts, corrections, juvenile justice, and current issues. This course examines the Constitutional requirements, historical development of the system, the agencies, processes and theories within the criminal justice system. Emphasis is placed on how the various systems interrelate and interact with each other to attain the goal of an equitable delivery of crime-related public services

CJ& 105: Introduction to Corrections

Credits 5
This course will examine the historical context, philosophical concepts, and major theories that have shaped corrections in the United States. Various sentencing options, correctional approaches and programs, the role of corrections in the larger criminal justice system, and contemporary correctional issues are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the effects of the corrections system on the individuals, families, and society (Formerly CJ 220).

CJ& 106: Juvenile Justice

Credits 5
This course will cover the history and philosophy of juvenile justice in America and the impact of societal reforms on the juvenile justice system. Multiple theories of delinquency will be discussed, as well as how society’s response to criminal behavior influenced the development, construction, and implementation of juvenile justice laws, policies, and programs.

CJ& 110: Criminal Law

Credits 5
This course is designed as an introduction into the study of criminal law and will review the difference between crimes against property, crimes against public, and crimes against a person. This course will study the various mental states required for criminal responsibility and those defenses used in a criminal trial, along with definitions, classifications, elements, and penalties of crime and criminal responsibility.

CJ 198: Special Topics

Credits 1 Max Credits 2
This course provides individual study in one of the criminal justice subject areas. Study and credit hours determined at the time of enrollment by the instructor.

CJ 203: Police Administration and Leadership

Credits 5
This course covers an overview of police organization and administration. Principals of management and effective leadership will be covered in relation to line and staff positions and advancement within a law enforcement career.

CJ 209: Police Psychology

Credits 5
This course introduces theories of perception, emotion, motivation, personality and nonverbal communication used as tools by police officers in everyday contacts. Understanding behavior and predicting human behavior in common police situations are emphasized. Police family and personal mental health is also covered.

CJ 210: Introduction to American Policing

Credits 5
This course examines the role of policing in American society. Theories and practices are covered from historical and contemporary perspectives. This course identifies challenges in law enforcement including the political, social, organizational, and legal environments where the police perform their roles.

CJ 215: Criminal Investigations

Credits 5
This course will review the role investigations play in the criminal justice system. Topics covered will include: investigative theory; collection and preservation of evidence; sources of information; interview and interrogation; uses of forensic sciences; case and trial preparations. Investigation techniques will be practiced as part of the course.

CJ 217: Advanced Report Writing

Credits 3

This course presents advanced technical writing content specific to the criminal justice system. Students review standard grammar, punctuation and compositions skills. The content includes, but not limited to the following: complicated police reports where information may be obtained from investigations, interrogations and collisions and involves a variety of forms and narratives related to law enforcement.

CJ 295: Work-Based Learning (CJ)

Credits 1 Max Credits 8
Supervised, non-paid, work experience in a government or municipal agency involving the application of classroom information and skills. This course may be repeated for up to 8 credits. Credits will be directly related to number of hours worked.

CJ 297: Work-Based Learning Seminar

Credits 11
Feedback and discussion to integrate and relate work based learning and classroom based instruction. This course may be repeated for up to 8 credits.