This course is an overview of the field of Communication Studies and introduces students to the ways public and private human communication shape our world. Combining a social scientific and humanistic perspective, students will use communication theories to explore a range of topics to explain, critique, and problem-solve interpersonal, group, cultural, and organizational issues related to communication.
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:
1. Articulate major terms and theories related to the field of Communication Studies
2. Demonstrate effective communication skills in interpersonal, small group, intercultural, and online environments.
3. Analyze the nature and consequences of verbal and nonverbal messages
4. Demonstrate an understanding for how media shape messages, and the diverse ways audiences take up these messages
5. Exhibit critical thinking in analyzing verbal and non-verbal messages
6. Identify common communication challenges
7. Use concepts and theories of communication to enhance human communication effectiveness
8. Apply communication strategies that enhance relationships
9. Assess the role of self-concept in communication practices
10. Demonstrate audience sensitivity
11. Use writing and oral communication skills effectively
IO1 Students will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
Content might include:
- Overview of the field of Communication
- Models of Communication
- Dimensions of communication
- Major theories of Communication
- Signs and signification
- Mass Media
- Ethics and Communication
- Methodologies in the field of Communication Studies
- Self-concept and communication
- Emotion and communication
- Culture and communication
- Common communication challenges
- Globalization and communication
- Writing, research, and citations
- Online and/or face-to-face presentations
PO4 Students will be able to recognize or articulate personal/interpersonal aspects of, or connections between diverse cultural, social, or political contexts.