DVS 080: College Transitions Math

Review and instruction in whole numbers, decimals, fractions, geometry, and integers. Learn strategies to deal with math anxiety and test taking. Students should note this course does not count towards credit total for financial aid eligibility. (Formerly: MATH 080)


Placement exam or instructor permission.
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, fractions, and decimals
  2. Find the prime factorization of numbers
  3. Convert between decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers
  4. Use vocabulary to describe basic geometric shapes
  5. Use formulas to calculate area and perimeter of basic geometric shapes
  6. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide negative numbers
  7. Solve basic algebra problems
  8. Use order of operations to simplify expressions
Course Content Outline
  1. Whole Numbers
    1. Adding
    2. Subtracting
    3. Algebraic Thinking
    4. Multiply
    5. Divide
    6. Number Sense
  2. Fractions and Decimals
    1. Place Value
    2. Decimal Addition
    3. Decimal Subtraction
    4. Decimal Multiplication
    5. Converting Decimals to Fractions
    6. Reducing Fractions
    7. Fraction Addition
    8. Fraction Subtraction
    9. Fraction Multiplication
    10. Fraction Division
    11. Converting between Mixed and Improper Fractions
  3. Measurement and Shapes
    1. English and Metric Measurement
    2. Shape Measurement
    3. Unit Conversion for Shapes
    4. Formulas
  4. Order of Operations
    1. Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide Negatives
    2. Order of Operations
    3. Equations with Pictographic Variables
    4. Thinking Algebraically with Equations
    5. Story Problems
Department Guidelines
The course is taught as a hybrid, one hour per week will be delivered online. Course will have open enrollment and may be repeated until competency is demonstrated. Students will be given a math department approved exam at the end of the course to gain placement into MATH 094.