MGMT 460: Applied Management Capstone

Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55

The Applied Management Capstone course is the culminating project of the BAS-AM program. Students demonstrate comprehensive learning and proficiency of BAS-AM core content through the practical application of business principles in their research and analysis of a current, real-world business issue and the development of a recommendation.


Admissions into the Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management (BAS-AM) program. .Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite MGMT 440

Course Outcomes
  1. Identify and analyze a current business challenge or opportunity.
  2. Articulate a logical and comprehensive plan for an identified business scenario, utilizing program materials and additional research.
  3. Apply business management principles within racially and culturally varied business settings.
  4. Propose innovative and creative recommendations for issues facing business today.
Institutional Outcomes

IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Demonstrate effective leadership, critical thinking, teamwork, and technical and information literacy competencies needed to make business-critical decisions to resolve interpersonal and organizational challenges that most often occur in the modern workplace.

Course Content Outline
  1. Module 1 Create groups and select topics
  2. Module 2 Submit and obtain approval for Capstone Project Proposal
  3. Module 3 Research, analyze, and develop recommendation(s)
  4. Module 4 Share draft of project for feedback and revise as needed
  5. Module 5 Articulate final project
Department Guidelines

The class syllabus must contain all elements as described in the Syllabus Checklist. A class schedule must be provided to students that contains content covered (text chapters, topics, etc.) and tentative test/project dates (to include final date/time). The work in this course will be primarily project-based.

BAS-AM Writing Standard:

Students will design documents and present information according to industry standards and/or the APA style guide, honor academic honesty as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, and model integrity as expressed in the College’s Guiding Principles.

Assessment needed for:

PO7: Demonstrate integrity through ethical behavior and socially responsible decision making.