AMT 148: AMT General Electricity

Credits 2 7 Lecture Hours 11 39 Lab Hours 22 77

This course covers the theory of basic electricity and applied Physics. This course is FAA approved under 14 CFR Part 147.

Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Calculate and measure capacitance and inductance
  2. Calculate and measure electrical power
  3. Measure voltage, current, resistance and continuity
  4. Determine the relationship of voltage, current, and resistance in electrical circuits
  5. Read and interpret electrical diagrams including solid state devices and logic diagrams
  6. Inspect and service batteries
  7. Use and understand principles of simple machines, sound, fluid and heat dynamics, basic aerodynamics, aircraft structures, and theory of flight.
Institutional Outcomes

IO1 Communication: Students will be able to identify and explain a variety of airframe and/or powerplant systems and components as evaluated by the completion of the FAA written, oral and practical exams

Course Content Outline
  1. Basic Electricity
  2. Applied Physics.
Department Guidelines

Student grades are based on the following items:

  1. Classroom/lecture assignments 50%
    1. Written assignments 25%
    2. Tests 25%
    3. Final exam 50%


Examinations will be given to ensure the understanding and/or retention of the subject material. An appropriate exam will be given to each student who completes each subject area. A quarter final review exam will be given during the last three days of each quarter. Any other testing or quizzes may be given at the instructor’s discretion. Each student is given only 3 attempts at passing an exam. The first exam attempt must be passed with a 70% or better, 75% or better for the second and 80% on the third attempt. If the student fails to pass any exam with an acceptable score after three attempts the student will be required to surrender all credits, hours, lab projects, and classroom theory for the subject or subjects failed. The final recorded score will be that of the first attempted exam. Missed or failed exams will be given only with prior arrangements with the instructor.

  1. Performance completing lab/shop assignments 50%
    1. Quality of work 50%
    2. Work habits 50%
      1. Follows instructions.
      2. Follow safety rules
      3. Completes assignments in a timely manner.
      4. Stays productive.


Laboratory performance will be graded at the completion of each practical assignment by observation, oral examination, or written examination. Practical projects must be completed in a timely manner. A minimum passing grade of 80% must be obtained by each student in order to receive a final Letter of Completion from this course.

Letter Grade % Numeric Grade
A 97-100 3.8-4.0
A- 93-96 3.5-3.7
B+ 89-92 3.2-3.4
B 85-88 2.9-3.1
B- 81-84 2.5-2.8
C+ 77-80 2.2-2.4
C 73-76 1.9-2.1
C- 69-72 1.5-1.8
D+ 65-68 1.2-1.4
D 61-64 .9-1.1
D- 58-60 .7-.8
F 0-57 0


The AMT General Course is offered as scheduled below.

07:30 to 16:00 Monday through Thursday.

A minimum of 400 hours of attendance is mandatory for the completion of the AMT General program at BBCC. Upon successful completion of 1150 hours of instruction (which includes 400 hours of General and 750 hours of Airframe/Powerplant), a certificate of completion is granted and the student is eligible to take the FAA written exams for the Airframe/Powerplant Mechanic certificate.

The Instructor will monitor absenteeism by use of the student time cards. A student enrolled in the AMT program at BBCC will be allowed to miss a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours of class time per quarter. Those students who miss more than 24 hours of class time may be required to reduce their credits for that quarter.


Make-up time must be arranged with the appropriate instructor and will be completed by the student on his/her own time under the instructor's supervision at the end of the quarter. Make-up hours will be documented through the use of time cards, using time clock procedures, and must be signed by the appropriate instructor. Make-up time and projects will be related directly to those areas of instruction missed by the students.

If time missed is due to school closure caused by weather, power outages, or other unforeseen events, the missed time must be made up during scheduled make-up days at the end of the quarter.

When a student is dropped from a class due to excessive absenteeism, failing grades, or not making up missed time in accordance with the above policies, all recorded attendance hours will be forfeited from the class and considered non-transferable if the student repeats the class.