AUT 125: Suspension, Steering and Alignment

Class Program
Credits 9 Lecture Hours 66 Lab Hours 66
This course covers the theory, operation and repair of various automotive suspension and steering systems used in todays vehicles. Topics covered include steering types, suspension types, shock/strut service, tires/wheels and suspension and steering component replacement. Students will use modern computerized alignment equipment to perform two wheel, four wheel and thrust type vehicle alignments. This course is designed to prepare the student for the ASE/NATEF Suspension and Steering Certification test.


AUT 115 Automotive Shop Safety and Environmental Issues.


AUT 190 Automotive Lab.
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Safely perform suspension and steering service and repair.
  2. Use and interpret automotive service manuals.
  3. Diagnose, repair, replace and adjust automotive wheel bearings.
  4. Inspect, mount and balance various types of tire and wheel systems.
  5. Perform diagnosis, service and repair on both strut and shock absorber systems.
  6. Perform diagnosis, service and repair on various types of front suspension systems.
  7. Perform diagnosis, service and repair on various types of rear suspension systems.
  8. Perform diagnosis, service and repair on various types of automotive steering systems.
  9. Perform two wheel, four wheel and thrust alignments on various types of automobiles.
  10. Pass the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Test for Suspension, Steering and Alignment Specialist.
Institutional Outcomes
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork, ethics, appropriate safety awareness and/or workplace specific skills
Course Content Outline
  • General System Introduction:
    Safety Practices
    Basic Theories
    Tools and Shop Practices
  • Tire, Wheel and Wheel Bearing Servicing
    Wheel Bearings
    Tires and Wheels
  • Suspension System Service and Repair
    Shock Absorbers and Struts
    Front Suspension Systems
    Rear Suspension systems
    Computer-Controlled Suspension Systems
  • Steering System Service and Repair
    Steering Columns and Steering Linkage Mechanisms
    Power Steering Pumps
    Recirculating Ball Steering Gears
    Rack and Pinion Steering Gears
    Four Wheel Steering Systems
  • Vehicle Alignment Service
    Frames and Frame Damage
    Four Wheel Alignment
    • Four Wheel Alignment Procedure
      Four Wheel Alignment Adjustments
Department Guidelines


  • Daily work assignments: 30% of the final grade.
  • Test and quiz scores: 30% of the final grade.
  • Laboratory performance: 40% of the final grade.

In the Laboratory, the student is required to complete daily time sheets explaining what was accomplished during each lab period. Points will be earned for each day's performance. While in the laboratory, the student is also required to maintain a Laboratory Task List. The task list must be signed off by the instructor as the student completes each task.

No points are earned if absent. All late work will have 10% deducted. Ten (10) or more absences will result in failure of the class.

Points will be lost for

  • Tardiness
  • Poor quality work
  • Poor work habits
  • Improper use of tools
  • Unsafe work habits
  • Improper care of tools

Grades will be calculated using the following numerical scale:

95-100 = 4.0 82 = 2.8 70 = 1.6
93-94 = 3.9 81 = 2.7 69 = 1.5
92 = 3.8 80 = 2.6 68 = 1.4
91 = 3.7 79 = 2.5 67 = 1.3
90 = 3.6 78 = 2.4 66 = 1.2
89 = 3.5 77 = 2.3 65 = 1.1
88 = 3.4 76 = 2.2 64 = 1.0
87 = 3.3 75 = 2.1 63 = 0.9
86 = 3.2 74 = 2.0 62 = 0.8
85 = 3.1 73 = 1.9 61 = 0.7
84 = 3.0 72 = 1.8 60 = 0.7
83 = 2.9 71 = 1.7 0-59 = 0.0