AGR 265: Crop Production

Class Program
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55
This course takes an in depth look at the science and processes of crop production. Students will build on their knowledge of plant and soils sciences and apply it to crop production from the beginning stages of soil and seed to the final harvested product. Students are encouraged to take AGR 261 Plant Science and AGR 263 Soils prior to this course
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Explain why certain geographical regions are conducive to the production of specific crops.
  2. Describe different techniques used in crop production.
  3. Analyze soil-testing data.
  4. Discuss plant growth requirements and how they relate to crop production.
  5. Interpret plant tissue testing data.
  6. Identify crops and their seeds by applying plant morphology.
  7. Discuss organic crop production.
  8. Discuss specialty crop production.
  9. Develop a crop management plan.
Institutional Outcomes
IO3 Human Relations/Workplace Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate teamwork and/or workplace specific skills related to human relations
Course Content Outline
  1. Overview of local and U.S. Crop Production
    • Hardiness zones
    • WA diversity/production
  2. Soils
    • Tillage
    • Nutrient use/management
    • Amendments
    • Application of nutrients
    • Cover crops and green manures
  3. Plant health and plant tissue testing
  4. Planting and seed
    • Seed certification
  5. Crops
    • Seed and Plant Identification
    • Requirements, harvest, common pest and disease issue concerns
    • Scouting
  6. Harvest and storage
  7. Specialty crops
  8. Organics
    • Requirements
    • Methods/Practices
  9. Regulations
  10. Crop management plan
Department Guidelines
Faculty is encouraged to use the college’s irrigation site to enhance student learning and provide real world scenarios. Example: Have students prepare a management plan for a specific crop at the site.