AGR 251: Integrated Pest Management

Class Program
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55
In this course, students will learn ecologically based pest management strategies for controlling weeds, insects, pathogens, nematodes, and vertebrate pests as well as how to set up sampling and monitoring programs in the field. The course will cover the biological nature of pests, focusing on how their population dynamics and ecological interactions with other species and how their environments contribute to their detrimental impacts on agriculture and human resources. (Previous Course Title Ecologically Based Pest Management)
Quarters Offered
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge or skills:

  1. Describe how pest organisms impair the structure and/or functioning of ecosystems.
  2. Identify plant diseases based off the symptoms exhibited by the plant.
  3. Explain how plant diseases are managed.
  4. Describe the disease cycle and how pathogens, hosts, and environment interact.
  5. Apply general entomology content including insect morphology, classification, and biology.
  6. Explain how biological, mechanical, and cultural controls are used.
  7. Develop an integrated pest management plan.
  8. Describe the advantages and limitations of various pest management strategies.
Course Content Outline
  • Ecological Principles
    • Abiotic Components
    • Biotic Components
  • IPM Concepts
  • Pests
    • Insect Identification
      • Insect Morphology
      • Insect Classification
    • Pathogens
      • Disease cycle
      • Fungi
      • Bacteria
      • Viruses
  • IPM Methods
    • Mechanical Control
    • Cultural Control
    • Physical Control
  • Monitoring and Decision Making